How we can support you
What is psychotherapy and counselling, and what is the difference?
Psychotherapy and Counselling are both talking therapies.
Counselling refers to short-term therapy, focusing on behaviour patterns.
Psychotherapy focuses on working with clients for the long-term goal of analysing and understanding emotional issues and ....
Having relationships trouble isn't uncommon.
After all, we are all independent people, with our own goals and needs, so coming together can be trying at times.
There are very few relationships which are conflict free.
Maybe you feel unheard by your partner, or maybe you feel heard with no resolution?
To put it simply, Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness.
'Hypno' is derived from the greek word 'Hupnos', meaning 'Sleep'.
Most people have an incorrect understanding of hypnosis, so first, lets clear thing up.
Hypnosis happens in your everyday life. This is called 'hypnoidal states' and they happen many times a day.
It's that moment when you've been walking or driving, and realise ...
Having a physical symptoms with no medical proof of a underlining medical condition?
There is a possibility it may be psychogenic.
This means there is no physical evidence to support diagnosis for a medical condition.
It is also known as "Conversion", where physical symptoms are triggered by past or present psychological trauma.
Loosing or have lost a loved one due to an on going medical condition?
Maybe a sudden unexpected loss that makes you feel a strong sense of injustice?
Ending of a relationship?
Moving away from your culture?
Or maybe you feel you have lost your identity?
This can feel and be strenuous to your emotional wellbeing.
Although we know there is no cure for Dementia, there are treatments and tools to help maintain a good quality of life until later stages of the condition develop.
A scientist at the University of Liverpool has found that hypnosis can slow down the impacts of dementia and improve quality of life for those living with the condition.
Attachment Therapy
Attachment-based therapy is a therapeutic modality based around attachment theory. Within attachment theory, there are 4 types of attachments humans develop from childhood​. Our attachment styles affect the way we 'attach' in all relationships; friends, relatives and romantic partners.
Often, our romantic relationships are most affected by our attachment styles.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy, which was initially developed to treat personality disorders and interpersonal conflicts. Evidence suggests that DBT can be effective in treating mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, ADHD symptoms, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD / EUPD), and suicidal ideation. It's useful for changing behavioral patterns such as ...
Urgent Crisis Support
Urgent Crisis Support. Helplines, Contact, Guidance & Futher Support. Click "Read More" Below for Urgent Crisis Support